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As a large family of angiosperms, Araceae have more than 3,000 species in 115 genera in the world. They are distributed in the world’s tropical zones. A few species also extend to temperate regions. Plants of this family have rhizomes or tubers, and the inflorescences are composed of a many-flowered spadix that is surrounded by the leaf-like spathe. SZBG has collected a total of 320 species in 25 genera of the Araceae family and these plants have been widely used in the garden landscape. Foreign species such as Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron selloum, Epipremnum aureum and native species such as Aglaonema modestum, Lasia spinosa are cultivated in the Shade Garden and Herb Garden respectively.
Aglaonema modestum 广东万年青
Alocasia odora 海芋
Arisaema lobatum 花南星
Pistia stratiotes 大薸
Pothos chinensis 石柑子
某种花烛Anthurium sp.