Shenzhen Museum of Paleontology
The Shenzhen Museum of Paleontology, built on the hillside, is for collections, research,
and display of animal and plant fossils. The shape of museum is like a giant dinosaur skeleton. The
first floor is dedicated to animal fossils, and the important collections include: 1)
Zhangheotherium fossil (model), is the key fossil to unveil the mystery of evolutionary of
early mammals at the transition from ovipary to vivipary; 2) 388 pieces of dinosaur egg fossils found in
Nanyang, Henan Province, consisting of 12 species in 8 genera and 3 families. These dinosaur egg fossils
show the diverse size and shapes of the fantastic dinosaur world. Interestingly, these fossils were
confiscated by the Customs and donated to the museum; 3) Jingyan Mamenchisaurus fossil of about
20 meters, is one of the largest dinosaur skeletons in China. The exhibition hall for plant fossils is
on second floor. The most famous fossil in this section is the Liaoning ancient fruit fossil, as known
as the first flower in China. There is also a lecture room with 52 seats on this floor and
tourists can watch videos of a variety of educational programs.