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Shade Garden
The Shade Garden, also known as Shade Plant Garden, is located in the western part of Paradise Lawn and near Heavenly Pond. The land area of this garden is only 1.2 hectares and it is divided into a number of irregular small areas. A small quiet and beautiful creek cuts across the middle. About a thousand shade-tolerant plants are planted in this garden, these mainly include gesneriads, ferns, carnivorous plants, bryophytes, Araceae, Hoya, Begonia, and bamboos. Several species of national protection such as Alsophila spinulosa, Camellia nitidissima, Angiopteris fokiensis and Isoetes sinensis are cultivated here. The Shade Garden is also an important outdoor classroom for the nature school. The exhibition hall for education is on the right side of the entrance and is used to introduce shade-tolerant plants. There is a small room on the left, Erzhan Room, where you may order a drink or read in peaceful surroundings.